Notting Hill Genesis, Fire Safety Guardian Service

The project is situated in Westminster’s conservation area within central London. The project involved construction of affordable housing where Kiwa Fire Safety were contracted by the owner of the building to undertake fire guardian service.
Contracting client: 
Notting Hill Genesis
Central London
Key Elements
  • Fire Safety Guardian (3rd party review service)
  • Alterations and extensions to existing buildings that were built circa 1882
  • Intrusive investigation
  • Review of design proposals, installation and handover information

The Challenge

The project involved the refurbishment, alteration, and vertical extension of historic Victorian buildings (built circa 1882). The vertical extension included a steel frame with SFS infill, adding an extra floor to the existing structures. The scope also features the addition of balconies, construction of cycle and refuse stores, lift and staircases. Features of the existing structure needed to be retained which posed challenges.

As construction quickly progressed without a regard to the fire safety design information, critical details were overlooked (such as the structural fire protection to the new steel structure and firestopping details). Kiwa raised these concerns throughout the construction period, but the contractor chose to prioritise the programme deadlines.

The Solution

Kiwa's involvement from the early design stage and their regular site visits provided invaluable insights during the construction works. In these visits key fire safety elements were not witnessed. Kiwa questioned the contractor throughout the construction period, but the contractor chose to progress regardless.

Kiwa’s inspection findings proved invaluable when the contractor attempted to hand over the building. Kiwa challenged the attempted handover on the Housing Associations behalf (using their technical expertise and the information gathered through the project). As a result, the contractor was required to undertake significant remedial work. Without Kiwa's assistance, the housing association would not have been aware of these defects before occupancy and would have been left with an unsafe building.

The Outcome

Kiwa conducted a detailed review that identified critical fire safety issues in the building, prompting the contractor to address and remediate these concerns, which reassured the housing provider. Kiwa also reviewed the associated handover documentation, thoroughly examining and challenging critical components.

This process enabled the housing provider to take ownership of the site with a clear understanding of the fire safety strategy and their potential implications for the building management team.

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